TC Recycling’s success story at Ecomondo 2019

TC Recycling’s success story at Ecomondo 2019

THS-75 shredder scores another goal at Ecomondo Fair

TC Recycling takes part in Ecomondo 2019 extraordinary success, recording the interest of many stakeholders and an international order for our THS-75 metal shredder. The plant will be shipped to Japan, where it will exponentially increase our customer’s copper percentage, recovered by scrap electrical motors. This testifies Tc Recycling’s reliability and the power of our innovation.


TECT20 and TECT30: our new container tilters at Ecomondo

TC Recycling thanks all the many stakeholders who shew interest towards our products and services. In particular, great attention has been awakened by the brand new container tilters TECT20 e TECT30. Both models were developed along with our long-time experienced Team Tecnocarp, and respond to the logistics market’s call for flexible, fast tilters.


2019: Ecomondo and TC Recycling’s record year

Ecomondo‘s 23rd edition confirmed to be the leading fair for green economy, a real showcase for sustainable technological innovation. This year edition scored an increase by 24% in international operators participation compared to 2018. Figures which testify an extraordinary edition for all the operators and stakeholders.






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